So a little diversion from the normal drama of our apartment renovations and a humorous story to share.
If you can believe it, yesterday marked our one year anniversary. Seems like just yesterday we had all our friends and family together in the Berkshires and were partying away like it was 2007. Here we are, a year later, and to celebrate Amanda and I went to dinner at an Italian restaurant in the east villi age, a real Sicilian place similar to some that we found on our trip.
We ate an amazing meal, I started with prosciutto and fresh mozzarella, Amanda had the portabello mushroom, and for dinner she had salmon and I had Penne with eggplant and fresh mozzarella , just like they make in Sicily. We passed on dessert because we knew we had our wedding cake waiting for us.
This is the good part.
So it's a normal tradition to save a piece of the cake, freeze it and eat it on your one year anniversary. After the wedding, special care was taken to properly wrap and freeze the cake, and it has laid dormant in the Berkshires for the past 362 days. This weekend, Amanda's parents went up to the Berkshires, and brought the cake home for us. Sunday night, we put the cake into the fridge, to let it begin its process of thawing, and we figured that on Monday if we left it out, by the evening it would be ready to eat.
Then it dawned on us, to perhaps have the housekeeper take it out mid-day (since she'll be there anyway), so it's not sitting out the entire day. Amanda left a note saying, "please take the cake out of the fridge before you leave."
When we get home, we look in the fridge, and we see no cake. We look around the kitchen. No cake. Look in the freezer. No cake. The only thing we do see is a bag of trash that wasn't thrown out that is sitting on top of the counter.
"Did she throw our cake out?" we ask ourselves. Maybe she misunderstood us saying, "please take the cake out of the fridge before you leave." for "please take the cake out of the fridge and throw it away in the garbage before you leave."
So Amanda looks in the garbage bag, and sure enough, in a smaller Duane Reade garbage cake, is our butchered cake. We go through a series of emotions in the span of five minutes: Confusion, Anger, Denial, Pleading, and of course acceptance, followed by heaping doses of laughter.
But the story goes on...
So we eat the cake. (Remember now, that I have yet to even TRY the cake at the wedding, as Amanda and my Sister-in-law Rebbecca stole my piece). And for wedding cake it's not bad. For wedding cake that's been sitting in the garbage for a few hours it's not bad at all. I had asked for a peanut butter layer and i did get it.
Finally...we decide to throw out the cake. As we're cleaning up, Amanda finds a note that says, "Amanda, thanks for the cake." Turns out she mistook "please take the cake out of the fridge before you leave." for "Please take the cake out of the fridge before you leave, take some home for yourself, and then throw the rest out in the trash."